Welcome to my blog! I'm so glad you stopped by. I happen to be one of those people who lives to eat, and the only thing I love more than eating is hanging out with my family and friends. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down to my daily devotion. I can't wait to tell you what's on my mind today....

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Eater's Remorse

Today is Mother's Day, and I went with my family and mother-in-law to a local club where we enjoyed a feast!  The perfectly prepared dishes were all that a mother needed to make her happy!  But the dessert - oh, that's where the mom in me wanted to stand up and do a little jubilee dance!  I tasted a bit of my son's cheesecake - heavenly!  I took a bite of my daughter's brownie - to die for!  But the thing that I got truly excited about was the perfectly tart and tangy key lime pie!  The chef at this particular restaurant has perfected this recipe.  The filling is thick and heavy, and the flavor of the lime is over the top.  I tried to eat it slowly so that the moment would last, but I just don't have that kind of will power.  Right about the time I put the last bite in my mouth, I experienced "eater's remorse"...a sensation that leaves one feeling regret over having eaten too quickly and now realizing that there will be no more left to eat. 

Do you know that feeling?  It seems to happen to me all too often.  When I've eaten the perfect burger, an amazing steak, a perfectly baked sweet potato...I put the last bite in my mouth and suddenly realize that there will be no more!  How sad.  This feeling kind of spills over into other areas for me.  I love to read, and I especially like series of books.  I get so sad when a series ends.  I feel like I've been left out of the rest of the story.  TV series and movies are the same way for me.  I don't think I'll ever get over Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman ending so abruptly!  We were invested in their lives, and then the show got canned!  It wasn't that I was all too in love with the show, it was that I was a part of what was happening! 

Our lives are like such an on-going saga.  We weave in and out of the experiences and relationships in our daily lives, and then so suddenly, it ends.  I've been to a few funerals lately, and I think about how our lives continue, but it seems so sad that we don't really have the opportunity to see what would have played out in the lives of our precious friends who are gone so soon.  But the good news is that as children of God, we will get to join in on an everlasting story!  It may seem that life ends abruptly here, but it is not as horrible as it seems.  We have the opportunity to enjoy an eternity in the presence of God. 

Galatians 6:8b tells us that "whoever sows to please the Spirit will reap from the Spirit eternal life."  This is such a comforting thought when we face moments of separation here on the earth.  We know that our stories continue eternally!  How amazing!  I will finally get to see the unfolding of a story that never ends!  ...and the really fun part of that for a foodie like me is that there will be a feast!  A never-ending feast in the presence of the Lord!  Talk about long-lasting key lime pie!  I just can't wait!

Happy Mother's Day!  For those of you whose mother's have gone on, you will see your sweet mother again if the two of you have loved the Lord! What a glorious thought. 

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